Quickly create wrap-up reports by using online, print or social coverage from existing pages.
A Login is required for each User who needs to create or edit a Page
And can the PDF be edited?
For users who've misplaced their details or need to change them for security reasons.
Monthly customers can access and change their account details within the Control Panel
Sometimes content can't be automatically pulled through. Find out how to fix it here.
Learn how to gauge success and benchmark performance.
Most changes are saved automatically.
You can easily correct mistakes in the Builder using the Undo feature.
Sometimes you just need to tweak the Branding of a single Page
See key information about your Pages in the Control Panel.
Save time by cloning and updating previous Reports.
Having issues with the preview display when uploading Excel spreadsheets? Follow the steps below.
See your Page as it will appear to recipients.
Use the Brands filter to find Reports in seconds.
Find out why we don't change print coverage that's already been added to reports.
Sometimes the widget may show zero for certain metrics; you can choose not to display these data points.
Twitter has changed how third party platforms like Releasd access its content.
Releasd has a maximum video file size of 500MB for uploads. Here's how to ensure your file can be uploaded.
Highlight forthcoming activities with the Summary Metrics widget.
Widget titles can be deleted and left blank.
Use the Documents widget to present the newsletter and add custom metrics.
There are different ways to feature logos in a report. Here are the options.