The Online Coverage with Metrics Widget lets you quickly and easily add live snapshots of articles from around the web.



The widget scrolls through each piece, displaying:

  • The publication
  • Publication date
  • The headline
  • An excerpt
  • An image
  • An optional caption



Coverage is also augmented with a raft of automated metrics to demonstrate success:



Further reading:

1. Drag and drop an Online Coverage with Metrics widget onto the page

Then click the blue button.


2. Add article URLs in bulk, one on each line

Then click 'Submit URLs'.


3. Edit Article Content if Needed

Every aspect of an article snapshot can be edited. This is useful if content is behind a paywall, or if you feel a different part of the article is more relevant.


a) Update the copy

Control the publication name, article headline or summary by clicking on the relevant content - or add a caption.



b) Change the published date

Simply click on the date and a calendar will appear.



c) Change the image

Roll over the image for available options.



Images can be:

i) Sourced automatically from the article

ii) Uploaded from your computer

iii) Added via image URL

iv) Left blank



d) Cancel changes

Click the blue icon to restore the original copy.



4. Reorder Articles

There are multiple options for reordering content.

a) By manually dragging and dropping



This can be made easier by changing to list view:



b) Control ordering by changing the widget settings



4. Explore Other Options


Other widget settings include:

  • Adding a title
  • Adding a description
  • Changing scroll speed
  • Switching on/off metrics
  • Switching on/off the published date


Further reading: